What Are the Side Effects of Waxing?

Best Waxing Langley is a fast and efficient way to remove large amounts of hair at once. Unlike shaving, which only removes the surface layer of hair, waxing pulls it out from the root. This delay in hair regrowth allows for long-lasting smooth and silky skin.


Moreover, waxed hair tends to grow back finer and softer than stubble. For this reason, it is the preferred method for removing unwanted hair.

Unlike shaving, which can lead to razor burn and ingrown hairs, waxing removes the entire hair follicle. This results in smooth, silky skin for a longer period of time. Additionally, many clients report that their hair grows back thinner and finer with regular waxing.

Waxing also offers the advantage of deep exfoliation, which can help to reduce pore blockage and encourage healthy skin. This is because the wax strips away the top layer of dead skin cells, exposing fresh, new skin underneath. This is an excellent way to improve skin tone and texture, especially for those with dry or flaky skin.

As a bonus, waxing is less invasive than other hair removal methods. If performed by an experienced esthetician who uses a gentle wax for your skin type, it is unlikely to cause any unwanted side effects like rash or bumps. Ingrown hairs are also far less common with waxing compared to shaving, since the hair is removed from the root and can’t grow back into the skin.

Another benefit of waxing is that it can help to prevent and treat hyperpigmentation, which is a condition where the skin becomes darker due to excess melanin production. Hyperpigmentation can occur as a result of sun exposure, acne, pregnancy, hormonal changes and more, but it can be prevented with regular waxing. Waxing can also prevent this issue because it eliminates the top layer of dead skin cells, which normally triggers the formation of hyperpigmentation.

If you’re considering waxing your body, make sure that the hair is about one-fourth to three-fourths of an inch long before attempting to remove it. This will give the wax a better grip on the hair and make it easier to pull out. Also, avoid tanning or wearing tight clothing before your waxing appointment, as this can make the skin more sensitive.

Although there are several benefits to waxing, it is important to remember that you should not shave immediately after your appointment. Shaving cuts the hair at the surface instead of pulling it out from the root, which can cause rashes, ingrown hairs and skin irritation. If you must shave after your appointment, it is recommended that you wait at least 24 hours.

Side effects

Pain is one of the most common side effects from waxing. The amount of pain varies from person to person depending on their skin type and hair growth. For instance, thicker hairs would cause more pain to remove than thin hairs. Likewise, the area of the body being waxed is also an important factor in determining the pain experienced. For example, the face is more sensitive and prone to pain than other parts of the body.

Bruising is another common waxing side effect, but this too varies from person to person. This is usually due to the friction of the strip being pulled off the skin, which can break tiny blood vessels under the surface. The good news is that bruising usually fades in a few days. If it doesn’t, Sadrolashrafi recommends taking ibuprofen and applying a cold compress to the bruised area.

Ingrown hairs are a typical side effect of almost all hair removal methods, including shaving and waxing. When hairs are removed, they sometimes leave follicles exposed, which can lead to a bacterial infection called folliculitis. This can appear as inflamed bumps on the skin, which are similar to pimples. Ingrown hairs can be avoided by exfoliating the skin prior to and following waxing sessions.

Waxing can also dry out the skin, which can be a problem for some people. Dry skin can increase oil production which can clog pores, leading to breakouts. This can be prevented by using a gentle cleanser after waxing and wearing loose-fitting clothing.

Bleeding after waxing is also not uncommon, but it is rare and should only happen when coarse hairs are being removed. This is caused by the tearing of the skin, which can be minimized by using a soft cloth instead of a rough one and avoiding hot baths, massages and heat exposure on the treated area. Bleeding is also more likely when the body is under stress, such as being on the menstrual cycle or taking medications like birth control pills, aspirin, ibuprofen and blood thinners. This is also why it’s best to avoid getting your bikini area waxed during your period unless you have a high tolerance level.


A few days before your wax, exfoliate your skin with a scrub, loofah or dry brush to remove any dead skin cells. This will prepare the hair follicles and make the waxing process less painful. Also, avoid shaving your legs and underarms during this time to ensure the best results. You should also avoid direct sun exposure, as the fresh new skin will be more sensitive to sunlight and can burn easily.

If you’re prone to ingrown hairs, start using a body moisturizer daily to prevent them. Ingrown hairs are a result of hardened and brittle hairs, so moisturizing helps soften and hydrate them. This will also help you avoid painful ingrown hairs during the waxing process.

Getting waxed is a great way to get smooth, silky and hair free skin. However, it’s important to know that waxing doesn’t offer permanent hair removal. This is because the hair grows back from the roots after a period of weeks, depending on your skin type.

Before the waxing process begins, your esthetician will apply a pre-wax treatment to prevent irritation. They will then use a clean applicator to apply a thin layer of the wax in the direction of your hair growth. Afterward, they will either apply a paper or cloth strip to the area or remove the hard wax directly. The entire waxing process only lasts a few minutes, and the pain is minimal.

Once the waxing is complete, your technician will apply a soothing serum or lotion to help sooth and calm your skin. They may also recommend an over-the-counter pain reliever if needed. Immediately after waxing, avoid putting on any tight clothing or applying pressure to the area as this can cause an ingrown hair. Instead, wear loose, comfortable clothes and aftercare products for best results.

It’s also important to avoid scheduling waxes during your menstrual cycle, as this can cause more discomfort. It’s also recommended to skip waxing if you’ve recently had laser skin resurfacing, microdermabrasion or other cosmetic procedures that heavily exfoliate the skin. Lastly, you should avoid waxing if you’re taking oral retinoids or prescription acne medications. These medications can thin the skin, making it more vulnerable to damage and tearing during waxing.


Waxing is a semi-permanent hair removal method that can last weeks and even months. It removes the unwanted hair from its root and prevents it from growing back for a long time, which is why many people choose to wax their armpits, bikini area, legs, eyebrows, and other body parts. It is also a lot less painful than shaving and can give you smooth skin for longer.

However, it is important to note that the results of waxing can vary depending on an individual’s hormone levels and hair texture. For example, some individuals have much thicker and coarser hair than others. In addition, the results can also depend on how often you wax and if you’re using any other hair removal methods in between.

While it’s perfectly normal to get eager to re-wax in between sessions, you must remember that your skin needs about a month to renew itself after each treatment. It’s recommended to wax every 3 to 6 weeks to maintain your smooth and gorgeous skin.

Aside from getting the timing of your waxes right, it’s also vital to take care of the skin after each session. This means taking an ice bath or applying an ice pack on the waxed area for about 15 minutes to help reduce inflammation and pain. You should also use a gentle, oil-free moisturizer to keep the skin healthy and soft. You can also use a topical anesthetic for pain management, if needed. This will not only make the experience more comfortable but also increase your overall results. For best results, it’s recommended to stick with the same waxing routine.
