Why It Is Important to Choose an Implant Dentist

Implant Dentist Las Vegas are artificial tooth roots that are anchored in the jawbone. They support replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth.

The implant is placed into the bone with a screw and capped with a healing cap. The bone heals around the titanium implant post in a process called osseointegration.

Compared to traditional tooth replacement options like dental bridges or dentures, implant dentistry is preferred for a long-lasting, attractive, healthy smile. Dental implants look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. Implants are also a great option for people who want to avoid the discomfort and inconvenience of removable dentures. Almost everyone can qualify for implant dentistry, but patients must maintain good oral health to ensure the success of their treatment.

To qualify for dental implants, a patient must have sufficient bone mass in their jawbone to support an implant. If not, a dental surgeon may need to perform a bone graft to build up the area. This procedure involves lifting the gum, exposing the deformed area of the bone, and using a graft material such as autogenous or allogenic bone. Once the site has healed, it can support an implant.

A dental implant is a titanium post that functions as the replacement root of a missing tooth. It is surgically placed in the space vacated by the missing tooth and allowed to fuse with the bone throughout 3 to 6 months. Once the fusion is complete, a metal spacer called an abutment is attached to the implant to hold a dental prosthetic/crown.

Dental implants are considered permanent tooth replacements because they integrate with the jawbone to keep it strong and healthy. Patients must maintain their implants like natural teeth by brushing and flossing regularly. It is also important to visit your dentist every six months for professional cleanings and checkups. Patients should also refrain from smoking, as this can cause complications with the implant site.

Dental implants are expensive but can last a lifetime if cared for properly. Most patients can expect to spend between $1,000 and $2,000 per tooth, but this cost can be offset with private health insurance or the Veterans Gold and White Card. Most people can also claim dental implant costs as a medical expense through Medicare.

Our dental implant team is dedicated to providing patients with the best care and comfort. We understand that receiving a dental implant is a major commitment to your oral health, and we work with you to ensure your implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth.

Unlike traditional dental bridges, dental implants replace the entire tooth, including its root. This not only looks better and feels more comfortable, but it also preserves the health and structure of nearby teeth.

The dental implant is a titanium post that fuses to your jawbone over time, forming the foundation for replacement teeth. It is then topped with a porcelain crown, creating a lifelike tooth that looks, functions, and feels like your natural teeth. Our implant dentists work to match the color and size of the crown so that it blends with your existing teeth.

In most cases, an implant procedure is relatively painless. Local anesthesia is used to numb the surgical site, and we can provide additional oral sedation if needed. Afterward, most patients experience mild soreness that can be easily treated with over-the-counter pain medications.

Dental implants allow you to eat the foods you love and speak confidently without fear of damaging your new replacement teeth. Whether you are missing one or several teeth, an implant-supported dental crown will restore your smile and improve your self-esteem.

The success rate of dental implants is high, and they can last a lifetime when properly maintained. However, it is important to maintain excellent oral hygiene and visit your implant dentist regularly to prevent gum disease or other problems that may damage the replacement tooth or the surrounding teeth.

Before placing your dental implant, we will thoroughly examine and take detailed dental imaging studies (X-rays, panoramic films, CT scans). This allows us to assess the quality and quantity of bone present in the area of the missing tooth. In some cases, a small graft is necessary to add more bone to the site, allowing for a successful implant placement.

We will also recommend a maintenance plan that includes proper brushing, flossing, rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash, and regular visits to the dentist for cleanings. In addition, we will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your implant, teeth, and gums for signs of any problems.

The durability of dental implants depends on several factors, including the quality of the materials used and the skill of the practitioner performing the surgery. It is important to choose a dentist certified as an implant specialist with extensive experience in this area. The dentist should also be a member of professional organizations that require members to meet rigorous education and training standards.

The lifespan of dental implants is also affected by patients’ lifestyle choices. Tobacco smoking, for instance, can reduce the lifespan of dental implants by affecting blood flow to the gums and bones. In addition, consuming excessive amounts of alcohol can negatively affect oral health. The good news is that if you quit smoking and moderate your alcohol consumption, your dental implants can last for a lifetime.

During the initial implant placement appointment, your dentist inserts the titanium implant post into the space vacated by the missing tooth. This is done under local anesthesia to ensure that the procedure is comfortable and painless. The implant is left to heal for a variable amount of time, and it becomes integrated with the bone through osseointegration. Once the implant is healed, a connecting piece called an abutment is attached to hold a custom-crafted replacement tooth or teeth.

Unlike traditional methods of replacing a single lost tooth, such as crowning adjacent healthy teeth or splinting them together with politics, dental implants preserve natural healthy tissue in the jaw. This allows for more efficient oral hygiene, less plaque retention, and fewer complications. Dental implants are more stable than removable dentures and provide a more natural look and feel. As a result, many people who have undergone this treatment prefer the implant option to more conventional restorations.

The success of dental implants is fundamentally dependent on diligent patient home care and professional prevention [1, 2]. A key element of implant maintenance is to minimize complications by identifying and treating them early. This is particularly important for patients with a higher risk of developing periodontal disease, which is a common cause of loss of natural teeth and compromises the health of the gum tissue and underlying bone that supports the restoration.

As with natural teeth, brushing and flossing them daily is essential. In addition, you should also visit your dentist at least twice a year for a professional cleaning and examination. This helps to remove any tartar and plaque that has accumulated. In addition, dental hygienists have the tools necessary to clean around implants and are able to spot any potential issues before they develop into more serious problems.

Regular implant visits also provide the opportunity for your dentist to assess your overall oral health. They can compare your x-rays and physical exam with previous ones, look for any shifts in the bite, and examine the implant, crown, abutment, and surrounding hard and soft tissue to check for early signs of infection or disease.

Your dentist may also recommend specific products and tools to help you maintain your implant. These include toothbrushes with a softer bristle, mouthwashes that contain stannous or fluoride, and flossing aids such as proxy brushes, inter-dental brushes, and water flossers. Also, avoiding problem foods such as candy, nuts, and popcorn is a good idea.

With a dedication to good at-home oral hygiene, routine dental visits, and the support of an experienced periodontist or prosthetic dentist, your dental implants can last for a lifetime and restore your smile indefinitely. Schedule a dental appointment today to get started on your implant maintenance journey. Dental implants are not just for missing teeth; they can give you back your confidence and allow you to eat and speak comfortably. Call us to schedule a consultation with your local implant dentist today!
